Another Sober Year
As I enter another sober year I want to express to you all my gratitude for the gift you gave me in July 2008. Rapid Detox was the first step in what will be a life long journey, but it was such a critical step for me that I will remain forever grateful. Your support meant everything to me and especially to my father who had already suffered so much. The implant was crucial in the first months when the cravings were at their worst. For reasons I understand to be related to a form of classical conditioning, once they resolved, my opiate cravings did not seem to return. I still struggle with addictive thoughts and behaviors and I abstain from all mind altering chemicals, but the insatiable and painful longing for opiates is replaced with a mild nausea type reaction at the thought of using any opiate.
I am now eligible for certification as a CDCA and I am looking for a position as an entry level chemical dependancy counselor. I am grateful each day and you all contributed in some one to my ongoing success and each step I have taken forward these past 18 months.