Over Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder?
Skeptics claim the numbers reveal a system of scientific fraud. “This rapid increase in diagnosis of bipolar disorder can only be explained by either a runaway epidemic infection or a medical fraud that seeks to label people as ‘diseased’ in order to sell them more drugs,” said consumer health advocate Mike Adams.
According the new study, nine of 10 individuals diagnosed as bipolar are treated with at least one medication, and two-thirds of them are treated with two or more drugs. These drugs create profitable, reliable revenue streams for drug companies.
The data for the study were taken from annual government surveys of doctors.
The skyrocketing rate of psychiatric diagnosis’ has many people arguing over whether a mental disorder was previously under diagnosed, or whether psychiatrists are now over diagnosing it.
“There’s no question that there is misdiagnosis going on,” said Gary Sachs, director of the bipolar and mood disorders program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “You can dispute whether it’s under- or over-diagnosis.”
Misdiagnosis, in turn, may lead to inappropriate use of drugs. These patients often become addicted to the unnecessary medication, needing to seek out addiction treatment. People need to lead healthier life styles, stop opiate and illicit drug use, seek exercise and practice good nutrition.