Opiate Withdrawal – Symptoms & Signs
Opiate Withdrawal – Symptoms & Signs
Opiates are highly potent, powerful drugs derived from the poppy plant. Sometimes we call them “narcotics.” They have been used for many centuries to relieve pain. Today, opiates can be natural or synthetic.
Opiate drugs work because they attach to “opiate receptors” in your body. When they do, they relieve pain and induce feelings of euphoria. Unfortunately, they stick around in your body and your body quickly becomes dependent on them. Over 14% of those who try prescription pain relievers non-medically become dependent.
When you become addicted, you need ever-higher doses of the drug and experience cravings for opiates between doses.
The symptoms usually begin shortly before your next scheduled dose of the drug. Sometimes, they start just a few hours after your last dose, but more commonly they hit you between 6-12 hours after your last dose.… [Continue Reading]