The Importance of Staying Drug Free
Ask anyone who has broken free of addiction – it is a tortuous road to freedom.
Withdrawal symptoms – the sensations the body goes through as you attempt to quit usually begin shortly before your next scheduled dose of the drug. Sometimes they start just a few hours after your last dose, but usually they hit you between 6-12 hours after your last dose. Withdrawal symptoms can include irritability, sleeplessness, and increased appetite.
You may notice watery eyes, a runny nose, yawning; perhaps you start sweating or have trouble sleeping (insomnia). You may often feel restless, irritable, notice a loss of appetite, body aches, severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or tremors. If your cravings get stronger, you may feel dysphoria (a profound state of unease), start to think about suicide, and get a strong craving for your drug. Those cravings for your drug of addiction all too often lead to relapse despite your best efforts to quit.… [Continue Reading]